SNOB – 2 System Nadzoru Ogniw Baterii

SNOB-2 is a multi-channel automatic online battery testing and monitoring system, which is the latest generation of monitoring systems. It was based on the study of characteristics in the battery industry and new technologies of industrial, electronic monitoring devices. Data for analysis and reports can be collected by a dedicated application (BM3000 Battery Management Software) or through the WinCN 2 system.

Supported batteries:

Cells voltages: 2V, 6V, 12V
System nominal voltage: 48 V, 110 V, 220 V, 400V
Capacity up to 3000 Ah
Measurement of voltage, current, temperature, resistance
The maximum configuration of one controller is: 254 battery cells / 6 battery strings per system.

Key features:

Reveals battery performance characteristics and aging trends
Much lower discharge current, no battery damage
Optical isolation technology and multi-level safety protection
Real-time monitoring of individual block resistance, voltage, temperature and current
Automatic inspection, maintenance-free, fast, reliable
Internal resistance can be reported daily or even hourly as needed
Customized event management and alarm criteria
Detailed historical data recording for technical analysis of the actual condition
Optional wireless alarms, use of cell phones and other mobile devices for maintenance MODBUS TCP/IP and Modbus/RTU protocols for communication
System has been properly tested and CE certified
Complies with the recommendations of the IEEE1188 standard


SNOB-2 is a supervision system using a distributed modular design that is easy to install and operate. The battery monitoring system consists of a control module (controller) , a current meter and a battery sensor that can measure voltage and temperature.


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